A Child's Dream... Fulfilled!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Walt Disney - A Dreamer
Friday, March 23, 2012
Our First Dream of 2012

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4. Find our two projects (Brandon and Jamie's Dream) and 'favorite' them by clicking the heart in the upper left hand corner of the project card.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Kick off to our Biggest Week this year!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
A real live football player in Loveland!

What do football stats have to do with A Child’s Dream, you’re asking? Well, we are super excited to announce that Adam recently decided to donate his time to us twice in March. The first time will be at our Celebrity Bartending Event, March 5th at The Boot in Loveland. If you don’t have any plans that night come out and see him there from 7-9. Tips from that night and an auction will benefit the agency.
That’s just the pre-game for the big event - our Mardi Gras Fashion Show coming up on March 10th from 6-11 pm at the Drake Centre. As if bartending for us wasn’t enough Adam has offered to be sold in our live auction for a personal 1 hour football lesson as well as a jersey, helmet, gloves and cleats!
Call (970)667-6119 to get your tickets to the Mardi Gras Fashion Show today – they are going fast!
Monday, February 6, 2012

Can't make it to the event but still wanna support the cause? Go to
https://www.givingfirst.org/AChildsDream/overview to donate now!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Emily’s Dream to Disneyland – heaven!

Emily, a little girl from Wellington, dreamed of going to Disneyland with her family. When she was asked if she could do anything in the world, the answer always came back that she would love to go to Disney.
On December 22 that dream came true for this deserving little girl and her family! Her mom, dad, and three siblings were all part of the fun that made sure the 4 days at Disneyland were magical.
When we talked to Mom after they got back she could hardly contain the excitement the kids had experienced. She said the kids smiled and laughed the entire time, and they couldn’t believe their eyes at all the fun things they were doing.
All of the kids said that the trip was heaven, and the entire family is so grateful for the opportunity they couldn’t have had without us.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
A Dream Come True!
"Being able to accompany David and his grandmother and sister on Sunday's dream was an absolutely wonderful adventure. From the limo ride to the game to dinner afterwards, you could truly tell that David and his family were soaking in every part of the experience. While David and I watched the game intently, his grandmother and sister were watching every move of the cheerleaders (not to mention everyone's surprise when we watched the halftime entertainment - monkeys riding dogs that were wrangling sheep!) As the day came to a close, Mary pulled me aside at dinner, "You know, you've really made his dream come true." She continued, "He's been so excited leading up to today and I can tell he had a great time."
Thank you for all you have done to make his dream a reality. We couldn't do this great work without you.