It should be obvious by now how lucky these kids are to have someone with so much experience and kindness working towards making life better for them. His dedication to volunteering has made him a hero to so many. Over the years his heart has grown to include so many special people; A Child’s Dream is truly lucky to have him.
Pictured above is Brigit and Freddy with their mom. These two sweet kids have dreamed of going to Disneyland where they can enjoy life without the stress of financial woes. They wanted to spend time with their mom and just have fun! On Memorial Day I drove them to the airport for their first flight (for all 3!) and watched their excited faces as they went off to experience their dream. The family has enjoyed a week long trip and flies home today. We're excited to hear about it when they get back.
Upcoming Dreams
June is going to be a busy month for granting dreams, and we couldn't be happier! On Wednesday we went and told Travis that his dream of going to Disneyland was going to come true. He was so excited, but this sweet little boy wanted to make sure we were granting dreams for other kids as well. I assured him we were hard at work. He leaves next Monday to go to California. On June 9 we will have Mariah going on her dream to a horse ranch. Sylvan Dale is working with us to create an amazing getaway for this sweet girl. She will then have an ongoing relationship with a generous horse owner in Loveland that's going to allow her to come out and shadow his ranch hands. She dreams of someday owning her own ranch - this will be great practice! On June 20 Jennifer flies to Florida with her family to walk into Cinderella's castle. She has undergone extensive surgery to be able to walk again, and this will be an incredible closing chapter to a long journey for this little girl. She will be very excited to know it's coming true!
Thanks to all of you who gave to our summer dream kids. We couldn't do these dreams without your continued support. If you haven't given, it's not too late! Simply click here to make a donation and know that you're changing the life of a child forever.