This is the email that went out today for all of our friends - if you aren't on the email list we want to make sure you see it! Thank you!
Dear Macdonald Family Charity Supporters,
You receive this email because you have either volunteered or currently volunteer for the charity, have attended an event, or have generously given of yourself in a financial or timely manner. We wanted to make sure that you know that we appreciate all you do for the success of the charity.
This past year has been incredibly exciting for all of us at Macdonald Family Charity. We have made 20 dreams come true, raised over $100,000 and recruited many new volunteers to help us fulfill our mission. We couldn't have done it without you! You are making a difference in the lives of struggling children in northern Colorado and changing your community one child at a time. I want to take a second to introduce you to a child you helped beyond our wildest imaginations - David.
David's mom went to prison when David was quite young. David moved from foster home to foster home, and when it was time for mom to be released her first action was to earn him back. He has been with his mom for the past 4 years now, and she is fully committed to making sure that David's life doesn't turn out the way hers did. She wrote to us and told us of David and his struggles at school. The family is back together, yet financially they aren't able to provide the fun things in life for David. Mom hoped we could help David meet his hero, Champ Bailey of the Denver Broncos. David loves playing football, and mom knew that meting Champ Bailey would give him renewed hope for his future.
On August 18 that dream became a reality at the Dove Valley Training Camp. David met his hero, Champ Bailey, and they both chatted and talked about life for a good five minutes. They laughed and joked, then took photos and Champ Bailey signed autographs. It was great for David to meet his hero face to face and his hero to take an interest in David. Here's a picture of the two of them at the practice field.

David has taken his experience and it has turned is life around. Before his dream came true, he struggled with self esteem issues, desire to succeed, and didn't apply himself. Now, he has hope for his future, works hard in school, and is continuing to practice hard to someday be a professional athlete. David was honored at a school assembly as a most improved student. We couldn't be happier for him!
David is the prime example of why we do what we do. To give a child their dream, and then see that dream have a lasting effect is something we strive for with each of our dream recipients.
Thank you for the role you have played in Macdonald Family Charity's future. We are planning on fulfilling many dreams to come, and we can't do it without you. We hope that as you plan your end of year giving you will keep us in mind. You may make donations here. Without you and your gifts, children in northern Colorado wouldn't know what it means to reach for the stars and have a dream become reality.
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