Tuesday, May 25, 2010

2 Notifications - Oh my!

The charity has had the privilege of conducting 2, yes 2, notifications during the past week for two very deserving young ladies. The notifications are the best part of what we do. The volunteers for Macdonald Family Charity are all invited and show up at the child's school or home with balloons and smiles. We walk in, and the kids have no idea what's going on. Then, one of us gets the joy of telling the kid that their dream is going to come true. It doesn't get any better than that!

On May 18 we went to Thompson Valley High School and crashed a final. Don't worry - the teacher approved us being a part of the last day. We told Teal, a very sweet girl, that her dream of going to Disneyland was going to come true in August! We will get to see a lot of Teal and her mom this summer - all of the proceeds from our July 19 golf tournament will be going to pay for her dream. Teal was so excited and surprised. She shook as she gave us all hugs and thanked us up and down. She is currently battling Lyme Disease and several tick-borne co-infections for 4 years. As a 16 year old, this has greatly impacted her social life and made it hard to attend classes. She has missed almost 3 years of school due to the severity of her symptoms. She loves math and science, and her goals include becoming a chemical engineer and attending MIT. When we interviewed Teal and her mom, they put it best when they said that Teal just needed some "pure, unadulterated fun." We're going to give that to her with the trip to Disneyland with her mom and a friend. What could be more fun for a 16 year old?

The second notification we had was on May 20 at Bill Reed Middle School. Brooke, a 13 year old girl, was in a major car accident a year and a half ago. She has been constantly struggling with coming back to her original self after sustaining a major brain injury. She is doing well, but still has to work hard to keep up with her class mates. Thanks to great teachers, a supportive family, and pure hard work and dedication, she is making incredible gains. Brooke has always dreamed of going to the Smithsonian. This dream is something she has always felt would feed her lifelong goal of becoming an author. What better way to kick of summer for this sweet girl than for her to go to the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. on June 1-5 with her entire family! The family will enjoy all of the fun the city has to offer, including White House and Congress tours. She will also have plenty of time to explore the museum.

We are so excited for such deserving girls to be receiving their dreams this summer! Stay tuned - we still have 5 more kids who will be going on their dreams in the next 3 months (they just don't know it yet!)

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