Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why should businesses be sponsors?

As we're gearing up for our 5th Annual Mardi Gras Fashion Show, one of our first steps is to approach local businesses to become sponsors. The first question we're asked is why? Why would a business want to sponsor a fashion show - especially a business that isn't involved in clothing sales or accessories? The answer is simple, and we broke it down for you into 5 reasons. Enjoy!
  1. Reach new people! Good event organizers will be able to tell potential sponsors the demographics of the attendees of any given event. For example, our demographics for attendees of the fashion show are primarily women, ages 35-55, with household incomes at $75,000 + annually, and all from northern Colorado. Marketing directors from local businesses know that this is exactly who they want to reach. They know that we will provide them with over 300 people in this group that may not have heard about their business before. Here's to more people knowing your brand!
  2. Feel good! When a business decides to rally behind a non-profit, it helps the business build their corporate culture of generosity. This is an idea that has to come from the organization as a whole. When generosity is present, the entire climate of an organization changes. Postivity reigns, and the employees are more likely to be giving of themselves in new and exciting ways.
  3. Recognition in the community! When a business decides to sponsor a non-profit fund raising event they get the benefits of the event's marketing for their own business. Radio, television, newspaper, and web communication all have been put together strategically to draw people to the event, and in turn, the business that is supporting the event.
  4. It's easy! Many non-profits are able to process credit cards, but of course checks and cash are always welcome. If a business goes into their fiscal year with a set marketing budget for sponsorship opportunities, they are able to evaluate all of their possible sponsorship opportunities, find the ones that hit their target demographics, and determine their return on investment from there. Sponsorships are generally offered in a range of opportunities, and with that, the ability to tailor a sponsorship package to your distinct business.
  5. It's fun! Most sponsorship opportunities include tickets to the event itself. Make it something to thank your staff by providing them with tickets, or use the seats to thank a valued client of your own. Not only are you showing your client and staff appreciation, you are helping the non-profit make new friends that may eventually become donors.
All in all, event sponsorships for businesses are a win-win. They increase their business recognition, create a corporate culture of gratitude, and make a difference, all while having fun and supporting a cause. What could be better than that! While we're at it - call me at (970)667-6119 if you'd like to know more about our Mardi Gras Fashion Show sponsorships! Get in on the benefits!


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